Father of the Groom Speech - Emotional

Good evening everyone, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Steve, Mike's dad.

Looking around this room today, I see so many familiar faces – friends, family, loved ones – who have been a part of our journey. But mostly, I see two people who are about to embark on a beautiful adventure together: Mike and Jenny.

Mike, from the moment you could walk, you were by my side. We were a team – weekends spent glued to the TV for our favourite sport, and Sundays were sacred for cricket in the park. Let's just say, my bowling may have been fierce, but your skills, my boy, those grew ever sharper. It wasn't always easy, those long hours at work. But seeing the joy on your face, the laughter we shared, that made it all worthwhile.

Then, life threw us a curveball. Losing your mom… well, words can't express the pain. But in that shared grief, our bond grew stronger. We held each other up, shared stories of her love, her laughter. Together, we weathered the storm.

And then, Jenny walked into your life, Mike. A smile as bright as your mom's, a spark in her eyes that reminded me of you. Seeing you together fills me with a joy that goes beyond anything on a cricket pitch. In Jenny, I see a reflection of the wonderful woman we lost, and a future filled with love and happiness for you both.

Mike, you've become the man I always hoped you would be – kind, strong, and with a heart full of love. Jenny, you complement him perfectly. You bring out the best in him, just as I know he will for you.

Marriage isn't always sunshine and roses, but remember, communication is key. Laugh together, dream together, and most importantly, face life's challenges as a team – just like you and I used to be on those Sundays in the park.

Speaking of cricket, Mike, maybe someday I'll finally let you win without a fight. But for now, let's just raise a toast to the happy couple! May your love story be filled with laughter, adventure, and a lifetime of happiness. Cheers to Mike and Jenny!